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Dmg Potion Miscibility

rhinininpomagdi 2020. 8. 29. 17:02

  1. Dmg Potion Miscibility Guide
  2. Dmg Potion Miscibility 3

The magical mixtures and compounds which comprise potions are not always compatible. You must test the miscibility of potions whenever: 1) two potions are actually intermingled,. 2) a potion is consumed by a creature while another such liquid already consumed is still in effect. While it is possible to prepare a matrix which lists each potion type.

Dmg potion miscibility 1

Dmg Potion Miscibility Guide


Dmg Potion Miscibility 3

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3bd - Potions

A potion can be any kind of magical liquid, from an elixir that is drunk to an oil applied to a creature or object. Most potions consist of about one ounce of liquid, but others are enough to anoint a creature.
Sampling a potion might give a character some sense of the potion’s nature while leaving enough of the potion to be useful.
Using a Potion: To drink or apply a potion usually takes an action, consuming the entire potion. Similarly, administering a potion to someone else requires an action. Once used, a potion takes effect immediately, though some potions also have lingering effects.
Oil of Etherealness
This cloudy gray oil smells like rain.
Upon applying this oil to oneself, the user sees all color leech from the surroundings. Billowing fog boils out of thin air, making everything indistinct. The mist seems more real than the faded world.
Effect: Applying this oil takes 10 minutes. You—along with your clothing, armor, weapons, and other equipment—become ethereal for 1 hour. By default, while the effect persists, you are on the border between the Ethereal Plane and the Material Plane. As an action, you can move from this planar border fully into the Material Plane or deeper into the Ethereal Plane, or you can move from the Material Plane to the planar border again. While you remain fully on the Material Plane, you are not ethereal. When the effect ends, you return to the Material Plane.
Rarity: Uncommon.
A character might drink one potion while a previously imbibed potion’s effect persists, or pour several potions into a single container. The strange ingredients used in manufacturing potions can result in unpredictable interactions.
When a character mixes two potions together, roll percentile dice and consult the Potion Miscibility Table. If more than two are combined, roll again for each subsequent potion, stacking up the results. Unless the effects are immediately obvious, reveal them only when they happen.
d% Result
01 The mixture creates a magical explosion, dealing 6d10 force damage to the mixer and 1d10 force damage to each creature within 5 feet of the mixer.
02–03 The mixture becomes a potion of poison.
04–08 The mixture becomes a potion of delusion that appears to have one of the mixed potions’ effects.
09–15 Both potions lose their effects.
16–25 One potion loses its effect.
26–35 Both potions work, but with half their normal effects. If an effect cannot be halved, at least in duration, it is instead lost.
36–90 Both potions work normally.
91–99 One potion has twice the normal effect. If no effect can be doubled, at least in duration, both potions work normally.
00 Only one potion works, but its effect is permanent. Choose the simplest effect to make permanent, or the one that seems the most fun. For example, a potion of healing might increase the drinker’s maximum hit points by 4, or oil of etherealness might permanently make the user ethereal. At your discretion, dispel magic or remove affliction might end this lasting effect.

Potion of Climbing
This potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. If the container is shaken, upon settling, the potion separates once more.
A character who samples the potion feels his or her fingers and toes itch and is momentarily filled with the desire to climb. Drinking it causes the character to notice on every vertical surface paths composed of tiny ledges, imperfections, and cracks that offer hand-­‐ and footholds.
Effect: For 1 hour, you succeed on any check you make to climb a difficult surface.
Rarity: Common.
Potion of Delusion
This potion appears to be another sort of potion, and it tastes and smells just like that potion. Sampling produces a sensation that mimics that of the other potion. Drinking the potion causes a wave of bliss to ripple through the imbiber.
Effect: You believe you have consumed another potion and behave as though affected by that potion for as long as that effect normally lasts, until something happens to reveal the truth, or until you take a long rest. For example, if the delusion is of a potion of healing, you believe you have healed until proven otherwise. If the delusion is of a potion of flying, you might skip along the ground or leap from a rooftop in the belief that you can fly.
Rarity: Rare.
Potion of Diminution
A character who samples this colorless, transparent fluid feels his or her body being squeezed slightly. Observers notice that the character becomes a bit smaller for a moment. On drinking this potion, the imbiber sees
everything grow larger, as if in a land of giants.
Effect: You shrink to 10 percent of your normal size and weight for 1d4 hours. Although you retain your game statistics, you deal only 10 percent of the damage you normally deal (minimum 1). Thanks to your reduced size, you can gain cover—or greater cover—from smaller objects than normal and can more easily to attempt hide behind such objects. You can also stow away inside containers that would ordinarily be too small to hold you.
Rarity: Rare.
Potion of Flying
This sky-­‐blue liquid has cloudy impurities drifting in it. Sampling the potion produces a momentary sense of weightlessness. The sense becomes continuous on drinking the potion.
Effect: You can use your speed to fly for 1 hour. If the effect ends while you’re still aloft, you must use your movement to descend. If
you fail to land before 1 minute passes, you fall.
Rarity: Very rare.
Potion of Healing
This liquid is a faintly phosphorescent blue. Sampling the potion produces a brief sense of well-­‐being. A character who drinks this potion feels the
pain of wounds lessen.
Effect: You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points.
Rarity: Common.
Potion of Heroism
This colorless potion steams as if boiling. Sampling or drinking it causes the imbiber to feel immensely healthy and robust.
Effect: For 1 hour, your hit point maximum increases by 10, and you gain 10 hit points. You also gain a +2 bonus to all checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. If you use a capability or cast a spell that requires a saving throw, the DC increases by 2.
Rarity: Rare.
Potion of Invisibility
Sampling this colorless, transparent liquid causes the imbiber’s body to flicker out of sight for a moment. A character who drinks the potion instantly vanishes.
Effect: You—along with your clothing, armor, weapons, and other equipment—become invisible for 1 hour. The effect ends after you make an attack or cast a spell that affects a creature other than you.
Rarity: Rare.
Potion of Longevity
This pink, frothy liquid smells sweet. A sample tastes of sugar and a hint of grass. Upon drinking this potion, the imbiber looks younger and feels refreshed.
Effect: Your physiological age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years (no lower than the age of maturity for your race), restoring the appropriate amount of youth and vigor.
Special: Each time you drink a potion of longevity, you must make a DC 5 Constitution saving throw. If you fail, you instead age 1d6 +
6 years.
Rarity: Rare.
Potion of Mind Reading
This cloudy liquid constantly shifts in its container. A character who samples it hears phantom voices for a moment. Drinking the potion causes the imbiber to briefly hear such voices from every side.
Effect: When you drink this potion, choose a creature within 50 feet of you. If the target fails a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, for 1 minute
you can read its surface thoughts and sense its emotional state. Success on the saving throw doesn’t reveal the attempt at mind reading to the target. A target that suspects you’re reading its thoughts can make a DC 15 Wisdom check as an action to end the effect. If the target moves farther than 50 feet from you, the effect ends.
Rarity: Rare.
Potion of Poison
This potion appears to be another sort of potion, and it tastes and smells just like that potion. Sampling produces a sensation that mimics that of the other potion. A character who drinks the potion is racked with pain, as though from a dagger in the gut.
Effect: At the start of each of your turns, you take 3d6 poison damage. A dispel magic or remove affliction spell neutralizes the poison,
as do two successful DC 12 Constitution checks,
each made as an action.
Rarity: Uncommon.
Potion of Speed
This orange fluid is streaked with black. The liquid races without pause around the interior of the vessel.
A character who samples the potion feels minor muscle spasms twitch across his or her body and briefly senses the world slowing. On drinking this potion, all action slows down to the imbiber, and sounds grow deeper and longer.
Effect: You act twice as quickly for 1 minute. In combat, you roll initiative twice. You take a turn each time your initiative count comes up, and your ability to take a reaction renews each time you start a new turn.
When you start your first turn after the effect ends, lethargy sweeps over you, and you become paralyzed until the start of your next turn.
Rarity: Very rare.

Potion of Water Breathing
This greenish-­‐blue fluid smells of the sea. A character who samples the potion coughs involuntarily.
Effect: For 1 hour, you can breathe underwater.
Rarity: Uncommon.